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The Fresno Court will start accepting CARE petitions on December 2, 2024:

Please see our CARE Act page for more information.

Jury Scam Alert!

  The Juror Services Division does not call jurors to obtain personal information, including social security numbers and/or financial information.  If you receive a call asking for these information, do not give the caller any personal information and if possible record the caller's phone number and report the contact to both our juror office and local law enforcement.

COVID-19 Notice:

  The health and safety of our jurors and staff are important to us, so we have implemented the changes.  See Jury Service and News & Events for details. 

Jury Service

Jury Service Information

The Jury Office of the Superior Court of California, County of Fresno, will provide the Courts with qualified jurors from the community, maintain courteous relations and provide excellent service to all jurors while upholding established rules of the Court.


The Juror Services Division does not call jurors to obtain personal information, including social security numbers and/or financial information.

Juror phone numbers are not contained within our database unless provided by jurors who have served and even then are only called if the date and/or time that the juror was instructed to report has been changed. Jurors who have missed their date of service are notified by mail.

Social security numbers are not contained within our database and we do not request this information from the juror.

If you receive such a call do not give the caller any personal information and if possible record the caller's phone number and report the contact to both our juror office and local law enforcement.

If you have any questions regarding this notice please contact the Juror Services Division at (559) 457-1600.

One-trial or one-day system

Fresno Superior Court has a one-trial or one-day system.  If assigned to a courtroom you must return to that court until either dismissed from duty or completion of the trial.

Jury Selection

On the day you report for jury duty, you will either be involved in jury selection or dismissed from jury duty. If selected as a trial juror, you will be expected to serve for the duration of the trial, which will generally last longer than one day.

Trial duration

There can be a wide variance, but the average jury trial is approximately 5 days, depending upon the type and complexity of the case before the jury.  Once the trial has concluded, this will fulfill your obligation for jury service for one year.


Every qualified United States citizen has an obligation to serve as a juror when summoned.  Trial by jury is a right guaranteed by the United States and California Constitutions. Civil Code of Procedure section 209 compels the attendance of any prospective juror if not excused.


CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) Changes to Jury Service

Jury trials are a critical part of the justice system; so much so that the right to a trial by jury is a part of our constitution. Preserving that right is paramount and dependent on the willingness of our jurors to serve. We understand that these are challenging times and that our jurors may have a number of concerns about reporting to jury duty during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The health and safety of our jurors and staff are important to us, so we have implemented a number of changes.

Our COVID-safe practices and new technology include:

  • Providing masks (optional) to reporting jurors upon request.
  • Providing hand sanitizing stations throughout all Court buildings.
  • Enhanced cleaning and disinfecting of all areas within the building.
  • New Jury Duty Summons Portal – allowing jurors to conduct their jury business online, including registering their eligibility to serve, requesting excuses, disqualifications or postponements, and uploading medical notes and other documents, thereby reducing the foot traffic and the need for physical appearances at the Court. The new online system also allows jurors to get responses and service reminders via text or email.
  • Postcard summons – eliminating the need for handwritten/mailed responses, reducing the physical handling of mail by jurors and staff, and reducing waste.
  • Hands-free Express Check-In Kiosks in jury assembly rooms.

Jurors should only report when specifically instructed to do so. Walk-in jurors are not currently permitted, due to limited capacity.

Reporting instructions

Reporting instructions are updated daily and can be obtained by jurors by going online to the Court’s website or calling the automated system after 5:00 p.m., beginning the evening before their service week begins.

Instructions may vary daily, so it is important that the jurors read/listen to the full message and follow the instructions given, which may be to check back the next morning or afternoon for further instructions.

Any jurors not needed during their service week will be excused. Reporting jurors are encouraged to bring their own bottled water, as coffee and tea will not be provided in the Jury Assembly Rooms and Jury Deliberation Rooms.

Protecting the health and well-being of our jurors, staff and public is our highest priority. The Court will continue to take precautionary measures to mitigate the spread of the virus and to keep our court visitors and employees safe.

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