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The Fresno Court will start accepting CARE petitions on December 2, 2024:

Please see our CARE Act page for more information.

Jury Scam Alert!

  The Juror Services Division does not call jurors to obtain personal information, including social security numbers and/or financial information.  If you receive a call asking for these information, do not give the caller any personal information and if possible record the caller's phone number and report the contact to both our juror office and local law enforcement.

COVID-19 Notice:

  The health and safety of our jurors and staff are important to us, so we have implemented the changes.  See Jury Service and News & Events for details. 

Civil Grand Jury

The Fresno County Civil Grand Jury

The grand jury is a constitutionally mandated judicial body charged to investigate civil matters but not criminal matters. The grand jury’s responsibilities include investigating issues regarding county government and public agencies funded by the government, and issuing reports and recommendations when appropriate.  The grand jury is also mandated by law to respond to citizens’ complaint letters and to inquire into the condition and management of public detention facilities within the county.


Qualifications of a Civil Grand Juror

Basic qualifications for the grand jury include:

  • Citizen of the United States
  • At least eighteen years of age
  • A resident of Fresno County for at least one year prior to being selected
  • In possession of natural faculties, ordinary intelligence, sound judgment, fair character
  • Sufficient knowledge of the English language

Desirable qualifications include:

  • Research abilities
  • Ability to analyze facts
  • Respect and objectivity concerning the opinions of others
  • Ability to work cooperatively with others
  • Ability to express oneself clearly
  • Experience in report writing
  • Basic computer literacy

Demands of Civil Grand Jury Service

Each June, nineteen citizens of Fresno County are sworn as Civil Grand Jurors for twelve-month service.  Jurors’ responsibilities are time consuming, with each grand jury establishing its own work schedule.  Everyone who is nominated to serve must be fully cognizant of the time involved: 40 to 80 hours per month attending meetings, conducting investigations, and working on reports.  Grand jury members receive a per diem of $15.00 per day and roundtrip mileage at the standard Federal rate. Each prospective nominee should sincerely and thoughtfully weigh all family, personal, and business obligations before accepting this nomination.

Selection procedures

Prospective grand jurors may be interviewed by a Superior Court Judge and all are required to have a criminal background check.  The judges will consider all prospective grand jury nominees, but only thirty nominations will be made.  Those nominated for service will be invited to attend an impanelment and swearing-in ceremony.  Names are drawn at random to complete the nineteen-member jury.

For additional information, contact the Juror Services Manager at the Fresno County Courthouse, 1100 Van Ness Avenue, Fresno, California 93724-0002 or call (559) 457-1605. Application period ends March 30.

Application to be a Civil Grand Juror

Application to be a Grand Juror

Comments from former Civil Grand Jurors

In four terms on the Civil Grand Jury, I've learned a wealth of information about our local governments and served with distinguished community members willing to spend significant time helping make our county, schools, cities and special districts more effective and efficient. It was the volunteer-service experience of a lifetime.

Lanny L.
2014-2015 Fresno County Grand Jury
2015-2016 Fresno County Grand Jury Foreperson
2019-2020 Fresno County Grand Jury
2021-2022 Fresno County Grand Jury Foreperson

I would like to express how much I valued my grand jury experience. As someone who served on the Fresno City Council in the mid '90s, I was amazed at how much I didn't know about local government. I truly felt like the work we did was impactful and generated change in governmental processes, making our local governmental agencies more responsive and accountable to its citizens.

Working in small teams but speaking in one voice allowed us to investigate multiple complaints with some solid recommendations. I would certainly consider applying again in the future.

Linda C.
2019-2020 & 2020-2021
Fresno County Grand Jury

Each and every citizen of the County of Fresno would benefit from the experience of learning, in great depth, the operations of governments within the County. The experience is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you investigate and find wrongdoing by employees, managers and elected officials, but on the other you learn that the vast majority of government employees are intelligent, hardworking, dedicated and honest. These are people who could work for anyone in the private sector, but choose to work for government. The good employees outnumber the bad 9 to 1 and provided me with great hope that the quality of these people and the Grand Jury oversight is the best hope that government will operate in an honest, efficient and effective manner in spite of elected officials.

Richard A.
2000-2001 Fresno County Grand Jury
2001-2002 Fresno County Grand Jury Foreman

It was an honor to be a Grand Jury member in 2006-2007 and 2007-2008. The experience of working with 19 people of different backgrounds, each one having a different opinion, but working for the same goal to better Fresno City and Fresno County. As a Grand Jury member you learn something new every day. You are the civil watchdog for the City and County government. As Margaret Mead once said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever does."

Carol W.
2006-2007 & 2007-2008
Fresno County Grand Jury

As I reflect on the year I served on the Fresno County Grand Jury, I have come to appreciate what an indispensable part it is of American government. The Grand Jury investigates and monitors the performance of county, cities and local government entities and recommends ways to increase their efficiency and effectiveness. Serving on the grand jury gives one the opportunity to make local government more transparent, responsive, and effective. The grand jury is the direct link between the citizenry and their local government. As a former grand juror, I can attest that serving on the grand jury is an exciting and rewarding experience that renders an invaluable public service. I encourage all civic-minded residents to consider serving on the Fresno County Grand Jury.

Robert G.
2003-2004 Fresno County Grand Jury

I learned a lot of good information on how the City and County of Fresno work, why things happen or don't happen and what influence the grand jury can have in their particular areas.

Barbara S.
2005-2006 & 2006-2007
Fresno County Grand Jury

I found it to be very interesting experience and certainly learned a great deal about our local governments. I do find that I follow the local news stories more closely than prior to my Grand Jury service. I do recommend the experience to others that I think would be an asset to the Grand Jury.

Joan G.
2005-2006 Fresno County Grand Jury

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