Juror Information
Juror Services
You may e-mail Juror Services and we will try to respond to your question. If you need an immediate response (within 10 days of the date your service begins), please call the office at (559)457-1600.
What to expect from jury service
View these videos on the California Courts website
- Ideals Made Real California's Juror Orientation Video (YouTube)
- Answering the Call for Jury Service (Vimeo)
Did you just receive your Jury Summons and have some questions?
On this page you will be provided with answers to the most commonly asked juror questions, as well as information regarding:
- Basic information about serving on a jury.
- Employer information.
- Information on changing jury service.
- Request to be disqualified or excused.
- Information about juror pay.
- Parking.
Want to know when to report or need a postponement?
Jurors are instructed to check their reporting instructions after 5:00 p.m. on the evening prior to their report date by calling (559) 457-1600 or online at Jury Portal.
You will need the juror badge number and PIN number that is printed on your summons to check your reporting instructions.
Go to Jury Portal for information on:
- Reporting instructions.
- Request a reminder phone call or text.
- Request to postpone service.
- Status of submitted excuse, disqualification, or postponement.
- Dates last served jury duty.
- Confirmation of dates served (Work Certification).
- Request Work Certification to be mailed.
Exit Questionnaire
We welcome comments you may have regarding your jury service experience and encourage you to give any suggestions you may have on how we can improve our operations for those who will be serving in the future.
After you have completed your jury service, we ask that you complete an Exit Questionnaire. To electronically complete an Exit Questionnaire that can be filled out online, please click on the button below.
Jury Service Exit Questionnaire
Once filled out the questionnaire may be physically mailed into the court to the address at the bottom of the document or emailed to: JurorServices@fresno.courts.ca.gov
More Juror Information & FAQ
Juror Services Department Staff is available to assist you during your service. The office is located on the first floor of the Fresno County Courthouse, directly across from the Courthouse Lobby and is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The Jury Office and reporting instruction number is (559) 457-1600. Juror information is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The automated phone system is accessed by touch-tone phone or voice recognition and jurors may use the juror badge number printed on their summons to check their specific service status or to postpone their service to a more convenient date. Basic information is also available without using the juror badge number.
Jurors are instructed to check their reporting instructions after 5:00 p.m. on the evening prior to their report date by calling (559) 457-1600 or online at Jury Portal. You will need the juror badge number and PIN number that is printed on your summons to check your reporting instructions.
Prospective jurors who have been summoned to the Fresno or B.F. Sisk Courthouse in Downtown Fresno may park free of charge in Garage 4 located at 1919 Tulare St., on the corner of Tulare St. and Fulton St. or in the Convention Center Garage located at 707 O Street, on the corner of Inyo and "O" Streets. The closest lot to the Fresno County Courthouse is Garage 4 while the closest lot to the B.F. Sisk Courthouse is the Convention Center Garage. Parking passes are required when leaving the lot and are available in the jury office. For jurors that have a handicapped placard displayed on their vehicle, the closest parking is located on surface streets surrounding either courthouse.
Jurors with oversized vehicles should contact the jury office prior to the service date to make alternative arrangements for parking, as Garage 4 and the Convention Center Garage will not accommodate oversized vehicles.

For jurors who have special needs related to a disability please contact the Juror Services Division directly at 457-1600 during normal business hours.
Click here for more ADA information at the Court.
Please be aware that when reporting for jury duty all Fresno County courthouses have security screening when entering the building and the following items are prohibited:
- Firearms or replica firearms of any type
- Deadly weapons
- Folding or pocket knives
- Tear gas weapons
- Taser or electronic immobilization devices
- Controlled substances
- Drug paraphernalia
- Alcoholic beverages
- Food or beverages (except for empaneled trial jurors)
- Any toxic, radioactive or flammable material
- Laser pointers
- Handcuffs or handcuff key
- Aerosol spray cans
- Butane lighters
- Hobby items such as knitting needles, crochet hooks, etc.
- Scissors
- Finger nail files
- Any glass perfume/cologne bottles over 3-4 oz.
- Chains or rope over 12” in length
- Any item deemed by court security as dangerous
Courts normally begin their jury trials each morning at 8:30 AM and recess for lunch between 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM and end the day by 5:00 PM. Once you have been assigned as a juror to a courtroom, the court will instruct you as to what time you are to report directly to the courtroom. Once sworn or assigned to a courtroom, trial jurors do not call the Juror Services Department for reporting instructions and must follow the instructions given by the court to which they have been assigned.
Employer Verifications
Employer verification cards and a time stamp machine are available in the Jury Assembly Rooms for your use. If your employer requires verification of your jury service or if you are unsure of your employer's policy, you should pick up a card and have it stamped each day. This is the only verification available that is time stamped. If you are a sworn trial juror you must pick up your verification card in the Assembly Room prior to reporting to the courtroom and at the end of the day when you leave. Work certification forms that display dates served are also available by request at the end of your service. Employers may request work certification forms by mailing or faxing the request on their business letterhead.
In an effort to reduce the amount of time you spend at the court, we have a "One Trial OR One Day" system. Your length of service may vary depending on the court to which you have been summoned. Prospective jurors who are summoned to the Fresno or B.F. Sisk Courthouses located in Downtown Fresno will be asked to call in for reporting instructions and will follow this process over a one-week period, Sunday through Friday.
If you are assigned to a courtroom on the day you report for jury duty, you are required to follow your courts' reporting instructions for the trial to which you have been assigned until released by THAT court. Barring unusual circumstances, you should be released from jury duty for a one-year period if not assigned to a courtroom by the end of the day that you appear for jury duty.
Jurors are instructed to check their reporting instructions after 5:00 p.m. on the evening prior to their report date by calling (559) 457-1600 or on-line at www.fresno.courts.ca.gov
You must have the juror badge and PIN number printed on your summons to access your reporting information using the automated system.
If you are instructed to call for further reporting instructions during regular business hours rather than appear, you may call from work or home but must be able to appear within one hour's notice. If you cannot call in, or be available within one hour's time as instructed, you must report for jury duty at 8:30 a.m. on the day you are instructed to call.
When reporting for jury duty, appropriate courtroom attire is required. Tank tops and bare midriffs are examples of inappropriate attire.
Per state law, jurors are paid $15.00 per day starting the second day of service. Mileage is paid at $.34 per mile one way from your legal residence to the courthouse.
You may postpone your service using your juror badge and PIN number within the automated telephone system at (559) 457-1600 or online by clicking on Jury Portal Postponement requests for up to nine (9) months of the original summons date are usually granted, although we recommend that you select a date within six (6) months from your original service date. A new summons will be sent to you approximately four (4) weeks prior to your new date of service.
Requests to be excused should be submitted online through the Jury Portal and are subject to review. Disqualification or excuses from jury duty must adhere to strict legal guidelines as allowed by law and may be submitted online by completing the disqualification or excuse section on the portal. You will be notified if your request is denied. The status of a submitted request can be checked on the Jury Portal, using your badge and PIN number.
You are notified, as required by law, that Labor Code section 230 states that no employer shall discharge or in any manner discriminate against an employee for taking time off as required by law on an inquest jury or trial jury if such employee, prior to taking such time off, gives reasonable notice to the employer that he/she is required to serve. The court advises qualified jurors to notify their employers upon receipt of this summons.
Failure to appear as summoned could result in a $1,000.00 fine, a jail sentence and other legal consequences.